
We are here to Hand holding you to health and happiness.

Hand holding you to health and happiness, supporting and guiding you every step of the way by focusing on four pillars of health- Nutrition, Exercise, Sleep and Emotional Well being.

“Amidst our hurry to build careers, relationships, wealth and acquire more and more, we must never forget the old saying that “HEALTH IS WEALTH”. Without health nothing really matters. we may have wealth but we can’t really enjoy it.”

Dr. Shrestha Srivastava

A doctor by profession and Healer by passion, Dr. Shrestha Srivastava has founded HEAL WITHIN, Holistic Wellness Program to impart complete wellness and Healthy , Happy life. She is a Doctor, certified Health and and life coach and Nutrition expert.

Homoeopathic Physician, Health Coach, Nutrition Expert and Life Coach

She has treated 5000+ patients and help them to learn healthy habits and  She is on a mission to make  One Million people healthy and Happy by focussing on four Pillars of health that is Cellular Nutrition, Exercise, Good sleep and Emotional Wellness coupled with Goodness of Homoeopathy where needed. 

Why us

The best early learning experience

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Holistic approach

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Passionate Doctors

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Supervision to keep children

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Meet the Doctors

Experts in giving your health best support

Ella Stark

Lead teacher and 1-2 year olds

Harriet Bailey

Teacher: 2-3 year olds

Melinda Schiller

Teacher: 3-4 year olds

Enroll with HEAL WITHIN and save lakhs in future medical costs

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